Plastic ‘continents’: Is there a way out?

Plastic “continents” are not static. Based on the oceanic circulation modelling work conducted in the Pacific, researchers have recently shown that there are exit currents for these areas of the sea where these piles of waste build up.

Over 100,000 people swarm this public beach in China; Video

A massive crowd descended upon the “Number One Bathing Beach” in Qingdao City, China on Saturday. An official for the public beach estimated around 130,000 people visited the popular beach on that day. There are between 20 to 30 reports of lost children every day.

Pongara Beach, Gabon; By Andrew G. Cooper & Orrin H. Pilkey

Gabon is on the equatorial coast of West Africa between the Congo and Niger deltas, surrounded by Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon to the north and Congo to the south and east. Gabon has a long, sandy coast backed in most cases by a dense tropical rainforest. Elephants, buffalos, various antelopes, monkeys, pythons and even leopards leave their trails on the beach.