Watch Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Spew Lava Into The Pacific Ocean

Thrill-seekers are flocking to the Hawaii coast, where lava is flowing from the Kilauea Volcano into the Pacific Ocean for the first time since 2013. The lava stream spanned 6.5 miles when it reached the water on Tuesday morning.
Acadia National Park

Today, Acadia National Park is one of the most visited parks in America, drawing more than 2.5 million visitors per year to the craggy, jagged coast of Maine. The park is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2016.
Southern Perspective: The value of our beach sand

The sand on the Emerald Coast is known worldwide for being the kind of white which is reflective and blinding under the blazing summer sun. That’s because it’s not even one percent shy of being pure quartz, which is incredibly rare in the world of sand. Our beaches are made of tiny jewels, each grain precious and rare, no matter how much they may look alike.