Effective monitoring to evaluate ecological restoration in the Gulf of Mexico

To improve and ensure the efficacy of restoration efforts in the Gulf of Mexico following Deepwater Horizon, a new report recommends a set of best practices for monitoring and evaluating ecological restoration activities. The report finds that the majority of past U.S. restoration efforts have not been adequately monitored to assess or improve restoration efficacy.
Israel: Police arrest contractors in illegal sand mining conspiracy

Though it may sound counterintuitive to steal and sell sand in a desert region like the Middle East, sand mining is big business. For years sand mining has been a major source of income for organized crime figures.
Sea level rise a big issue for military in Hampton Roads, science says

A new Union of Concerned Scientists study evaluated the risks of climate-induced inundation at a sample of 18 military bases on the East and Gulf of Mexico coasts. Flooding and storm surge at Langley and other coastal military installations will only get worse — maybe a lot worse.
19,000 Sea Turtle Eggs Seized in Anti-Smuggling Operation

Police seized 19,000 sea turtle eggs off the coast of Malaysia in a special operation to hobble a major smuggling syndicate.
Laos: Chinese demand for sand and cement delivers wage for Laotian workers – but is destroying the Mekong

China world’s top consumer of sand – devouring more than 60 per cent of the global output and using more in four years than the US did in the entire 20th century.
On first International Day, UNESCO calls for protection of mangrove ecosystems

Mangroves are rare and vital ecosystems that help to protect coastlines and mitigate the effects of climate change, but their survival is being jeopardized, the United Nations cultural agency said July 26th,2016, on first World’s Mangrove Day, calling for greater preservation efforts as the international community marks the first ever International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem.