How Lasers Can Help Clean Up Beach Trash

New 3-D modeling technology has the power to scan coastlines for garbage much faster than humans can.
60% of Loggerhead Turtles Stranded on Beaches in South Africa Had Ingested Plastic

Researchers have found that 60 percent of post-hatchling loggerhead turtles stranded on southern Cape beaches in South Africa have been impacted by growing quantities of human-caused debris such as plastic fragments, packaging and fibers.
Massive mangrove die-off on Gulf of Carpentaria worst in the world

Climate change and El Niño have caused the worst mangrove die-off in recorded history, stretching along 700km of Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria. And last week it was revealed warm ocean temperatures had wiped out 100km of important kelp forests off the coast of Western Australia.