Montserrat residents and former premier outraged at public beach sand mining

Beach sand mining, in paradise. Photograph: © SAF – Coastal Care


Montserrat residents are outraged and seeking answers as to why vast amounts of sand are being removed from Foxes Bay Beach in the south of the island.

New photos taken on the beach on Wednesday show the sand being collected and put into trucks belonging to a local mining company…

The removal of beach sand is a direct cause of erosion along many shorelines. It is very damaging to the beach fauna and flora, ruinous to beach aesthetics, and frequently causes environmental damage to other coastal ecosystems associated with the beach such as wetlands, says

Read Full Article, Caribbean News Now

Lawyer speaks out on beach sand mining, Montserrat, The Montserrat Reporter (05-27-2016)
Substantial quantity of sand is currently being removed from the southern end of Carrs Bay Beach, and area that is both environmentally and ecologically sensitive…

Sand, Rarer Than One Thinks: A UNEP report (GEA-March 2014)
Despite the colossal quantities of sand and gravel being used, our increasing dependence on them and the significant impact that their extraction has on the environment, this issue has been mostly ignored by policy makers and remains largely unknown by the general public.
In March 2014 The United Nations released its first Report about sand mining. “Sand Wars” film documentary by Denis Delestrac – first broadcasted on the european Arte Channel, May 28th, 2013, where it became the highest rated documentary for 2013 – expressly inspired the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to publish this 2014-Global Environmental Alert.

Sand Wars, An Investigation Documentary, By Multi-Award-Winning Filmmaker Denis Delestrac ©-2013.

Sand Mining in Montserrat: Learn More, Coastal Care

Global Sand Mining: Learn More, Coastal Care


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