A Peruvian Beach Named Dirtiest in the World
When people think of beaches, they may think fine sand and pristine shores. However, that won’t be the scene to catch in Peru’s Carpayo beach, located on the western tip of the capital. Carpayo is on the receiving end of waste and dumps from Lima and it gets about 2.8 kilos of trash per square meter. In the latest clean-up drive, 60 tons of trash were collected in three hours.
Thousands to march against coal plant threat to mangrove
Thousands of Bangladeshis will march from Dhaka to the world’s biggest mangrove forest next week in protest at plans to build two coal-power plants on the edge of the World Heritage-listed forest.
Alabama has been destroying its natural coast
From its beginning Alabama has been endowed with some of the finest natural white sand beach and dune systems in the nation, but, over time, we have preserved less, and destroyed more of this asset than any other state. We have literally “paved paradise and put up a parking lot!
Fish Poachers Push Endangered Porpoises to Brink
China’s lucrative black market for fish parts is threatening the vaquita, the world’s most endangered marine mammal. The porpoises, who live only in the Gulf of California, are getting caught up as bycatch in illegal gill nets and killed. Scientists fear the porpoise could vanish by 2018.