Dunwich: The storms that destroyed ‘lost town’

Evidence of violent storms that destroyed a lost town known as Britain’s Atlantis has been uncovered. The finds were uncovered off the coast of Dunwich, Suffolk – a small village which in the 11th Century was one of the largest towns in England.
New Data Reveal Stunning Acceleration of Sea Level Rise

The oceans have heaved up and down as world temperatures have waxed and waned, but as new research tracking the past 2,800 years shows, never during that time did the seas rise as sharply or as suddenly as has been the case during the last century.
New evidence confirms human activities drive global warming

A new statistical technique, analyzing data records since measuring started 150 years ago, independently confirms that human-made carbon dioxide and methane emissions have led to global warming. The analysis shows that the most pronounced consequences of such emissions are being felt in localized regions around the globe, such as Europe, North America, China, Siberia, the Sahel zone in Africa, and Alaska.