Mississippi River Mouth Must Be Abandoned to Save New Orleans from Next Hurricane
Extensive studies done after Katrina verified what lifelong residents of southeastern Louisiana already knew: Unless the rapidly disappearing wetlands are made healthy again, restoring the natural defense, New Orleans will soon lay naked against the sea.
Blooming Baltic Sea
Agricultural and industrial run-off from European countries bordering the Baltic Sea also contributes excess nutrients. Nutrient loads to the Baltic have been decreasing since 1980 and coastal areas have seen improvement. Concentrations in the open sea, however, have not changed much.
Summerland Beach Oil Prompts Health Warning and Beach Closure, CA
The decision to close Summerland Beach at this time was due to the volume of oil on the beach and sand, the nature of the oil (more liquid and mixed in the water and across sand as opposed to solid tar balls which are more easily avoidable) and intermittent strong petroleum odors at a level that may cause health effects.