Rising Seas Threaten Everything from Wallops to Resorts

Because of accelerated sea-level rise, Delmarva may look very different in 30-40 years. One of Delmarva’s real gems — Wallops Island and the rapidly growing NASA flight facility that is located there — is taking steps to ensure its costly and critical infrastructure isn’t inundated by a rising sea level.
Successful Conservation Efforts along Florida, Pacific Coasts Recognized in Revised ESA Listing of Green Sea Turtle

NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to reclassify the green sea turtle under the Endangered Species Act, and list turtles originating from two breeding populations currently considered endangered as threatened due to improvements in their populations.
Keep it in the Ground: A Guardian UK Climate Change Campaign

The argument for a campaign to divest from the world’s most polluting companies is becoming an overwhelming one, on both moral and financial grounds. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu puts it: “People of conscience need to break their ties with corporations financing the injustice of climate change”…