Plastic Bottle Littering Addressed In EPA Video
“Look beneath the surface, address the Issues, expand the Conversation…” The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alerts the public about how plastic is a detriment to the environment.
Warm Ocean Temperatures May Mean Major Coral Bleaching
NOAA scientists are warning that warm ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans could set the stage for major coral bleaching events across the globe in 2015.
Humans Altering Adriatic Ecosystems More Than Nature
The ecosystems of the Adriatic Sea have weathered natural climate shifts for 125,000 years, but humans could be rapidly altering this historically stable biodiversity hot spot, a University of Florida study says.
Impact of Deepwater Horizon Oil on Beach Microbial Communities
Researchers studying the impact of the Deepwater Horizon spill on communities of beach microbes saw a succession of organisms and identified population changes in specific organisms that marked the progress of the oil’s breakdown.