The Economic Case Against Keystone
It’s been well established that the Keystone XL pipeline presents unacceptable risks to the planet. But approval of Keystone also presents a lesser-known risk: to America’s economic future.
Pakistan’s Coastal Villagers Retreat as Seas Gobble Land
Climate change is clearly increasing vulnerabilities in the Indus Delta area. Sea-level rise is contributing to higher storm surges, erosion, flooding and salinity, according to WWF-Pakistan.
Oil, An Invasive Water Species in the Carnival Capital
The activities of the oil industry’s plants, pipelines and tankers occupy 46 percent of the Guanabara bay in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, and that area is expanding, due to deepwater drilling in the Atlantic off the coast of Brazil, and the construction of a second refinery near the bay, set to begin operating in 2016.