Models of Greenland Ice Melting Could Be Way Off

Image acquired 2013.
By analyzing old photographs from the early 1900s and comparing them with contemporary ones, researchers have mapped the retreat of some Greenland glaciers. NASA / Earth Observatory

Image acquired 1935.
In the example above, the images show changes to a glacier in the vicinity of the Sukkertoppen ice cap in southwest Greenland. By summer 2013 (top), the glacier had retreated by about 3 kilometers (less than two miles) since summer 1935 (bottom), according to researcher Anders Bjørk of the Natural History Museum of Denmark. NASA / Earth Observatory


Existing computer models may be severely underestimating the risk to Greenland’s ice sheet — which would add 20 feet to sea levels if it all melted — from warming temperatures, according to two studies released Monday…

Read Full Article, NBC News

New Insight from Old Snapshots of Greenland, NASA / Earth Observatory


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