Nicaragua Defies Canal Protests
Nicaragua has great expectations for the Grand Canal, a US$50-billion, 5-year project to link its Caribbean and Pacific coasts with a 280-kilometre waterway. But the plan has attracted protests from residents along the proposed route and from scientists around the world.
Coral Reveals Long-Term Link Between Pacific Winds, Global Climate
New research indicates that shifts in Pacific trade winds played a key role in twentieth century climate variation and are likely again influencing global temperatures. The study uses a novel method of analyzing coral chemistry to reveal winds from a century ago.
More Than 160,000 Evacuated From Worst-Ever Floods In Malaysia
Northeastern peninsular Malaysia, which is worst affected part of the country, is regularly hit by flooding during the annual “northeast monsoon,” but this year’s rains have been particularly heavy
Tsunami Science: Advances Since the 2004 Indian Ocean Tragedy
On the 10th anniversary of the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami, greatly expanded networks of seismic monitors and ocean buoys are on alert for the next killer wave in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific and the Caribbean. In fact, tsunami experts can now forecast how tsunamis will flood distant coastlines hours before the waves arrive.