The Greenup of the Planet

Primary producers — plant life and ocean phytoplankton — play an integral part of the Earth system; some would say that they drive the entire biosphere. Plants and plankton influence the composition of the atmosphere, play a part in the water cycle, and regulate ocean chemistry.

After Steep Decline, Signs of Hope for World’s Sea Turtles

Nearly all sea turtle species have been classified as endangered, with precipitous declines in many populations in recent decades. But new protections, particularly in the U.S. and Central America, are demonstrating that dramatic recovery for these remarkable reptiles is possible.

West Coast Braces For Mudslides From Pineapple Express Storm

The huge, swirling system, the worst storm to strike the area in years – covered much of California Thursday – bringing strong gales and much-needed rain and snow, while 3 houses has fallen prey to the Pacific Ocean at Washaway Beach in Pacific County…