Why Is Antarctic Sea Ice At Record Levels Despite Global Warming?

Neko Harbor, Antarctic. Photo source: ©© Benjamin Dumas


Antarctic ice floes extended further than ever recorded this southern winter, confounding the world’s most-trusted climate models…

Read Full Article, Guardian UK

Antarctic winter sea ice extent sets new record in 2014, NOAA (10-07-2014)
When Arctic sea ice extent dips to its yearly low, Antarctic sea ice extent climbs to its yearly high. Recent years have brought record low summer sea ice extents to the Arctic and record high winter extents to the Antarctic. In September 2014, Arctic sea ice reached its sixth-lowest extent in the satellite era. But on October 7, 2014, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) reported that Antarctic sea ice extent set a new record high for daily extent: 20.11 million square kilometers (7.76 million square miles)…

Antarctic Sea Ice Level Breaks Record, NASA Says, CBS News

Winds of Change: Why Antarctic Sea Ice Is Growing, Climate Central (09-23-2013)

A Tale of Two Poles, NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center
Arctic sea ice continued its long-term decline in 2014, as the ice reached its annual minimum extent on September 17, and was the sixth lowest recorded in the modern satellite era. Meanwhile, sea ice on the other side of the planet was headed in the opposite direction…

Antarctic. Image source:NOAA


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