NASA’s New Carbon Counter Collects Its First Data
As NASA’s first spacecraft dedicated to studying atmospheric carbon dioxide, OCO-2 will produce the most detailed picture to date of the manmade and natural sources of carbon dioxide, as well as their natural “sinks”—places on Earth’s surface.
Climate Effects Of Keystone XL Significantly Underestimated
The U.S. State Department’s final environmental review of the Keystone XL Pipeline may have underestimated carbon dioxide emissions associated with the pipeline by as much as four times, according to a new study.
Swamped by Rising Seas, Small Islands Seek a Lifeline
The world’s 52 small island developing states (SIDS), some in danger of being wiped off the face of the earth because of sea-level rise triggered by climate change, will be the focus of an international conference in the South Pacific island nation of Samoa next month.