Hawaii: Climate Wipeout

A new video series that depicts Americans living on the front lines of climate change zooms in on one of our favorite vacation spots.

Nesting Gulf Sea Turtles Feed in Waters Filled With Threats

Nesting loggerhead sea turtles in the northern Gulf of Mexico feed among areas that were oiled by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill and where human activities occur, several of which are known to pose threats to sea turtles, a new U.S Geological study showed.

Pacific Ocean Garbage Swirls Predictably, A Video

The ‘Pacific Garbage Patch’, including debris from the 2011 Japanese Tsunami, travels in seasonal patterns. Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team’s (COASST) executive director Julia Parrish explains the patterns and how her organization is helping to mitigate the problem.