Kiribati President Purchases Resettlement Land as Precaution Against Rising Sea

Old pier, Kanton island. Kanton is the largest, northernmost island of the Phoenix Islands, in the Republic of Kiribati. Photo source: ©© Naomi


Kiribati’s president, Anote Tong, said he bought land in Vanua Levu, Fiji’s second-largest island, so that his 103,000 people will have some high ground to go to when a rising sea makes his nation of 33 low-lying coral atolls unliveable…

Read Full Article, IPS News

Pacific Island Nation of Kiribati, Slideshow And Video (06-14-2013)
Reuters photographer David Gray spent time documenting life in the central Pacific island nation of Kiribati, a chain of 33 atolls and islands that stand just metres above sea level, spread over a huge expanse of otherwise empty ocean…

A Video: Kiribati Conference: Voices From the South Pacific – Part II (11-19-2010)


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