Disaster-Prone Caribbean Looks to Better Financing

Flooding is commonplace in the Caribbean, with Guyana for instance, one of the most flood-prone countries in the region, where nearly 90 percent of the population lives in this narrow coastal plain largely below sea level.
Can Marsh Conservation Save Local Homes Prone To Beach Erosion?

Conservationists are offering a solution for combatting beach erosion on the North Shore. A Video News Report.
Slow-Motion Earthquakes Caused by Natural Fracking?

Natural fracking may be to blame for weird “slow” earthquakes that last for hours to days, a new study suggests.
Taranaki Seabed Mining Application Declined

An application to mine ironsands off the south Taranaki coast has been declined. In today’s decision, the New Zealand Environmental Protection Agency said the major reason for refusing consent was the uncertainty around the scope and significance of potential environmental effects.
Tree Hitched A Ride To Island

Acacia analysis reveals globetrotting seed trekked 18,000 kilometres from Hawaii Island to Réunion island. The researchers propose in a study published this week, that a sea bird brought a seed from Hawaii to Réunion in its stomach or stuck to its feet in a one-off event some 1.4 million years ago.