Scientists Discover Link Between Climate Change And Ocean Currents Over 6 Million Years
Scientists have discovered a relationship between climate change and ocean currents over the past six million years after analyzing an area of the Atlantic near the Strait of Gibraltar, according to new research.
A Fresh Start For Climate Change Refugees?
The solutions on migration and climate change being proposed go beyond reinforcing planning mechanisms for countries facing natural disasters; they look also at the migration of affected populations to new countries, including relocation in the industrialised world and the employment possibilities that might be available.
Deepwater Horizon Oil On Shore Identified, Even Years Later
Years after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil spill, oil continues to wash ashore as oil-soaked “sand patties,” persists in salt marshes abutting the Gulf of Mexico, and questions remain about how much oil has been deposited on the seafloor.
Earthscapes, By Andres Amador
San Franciscan Andres Amador, 42, is an “earthscape” artist, using beaches as his canvas.