Intersections of Art and Science

Voyage of Discovery : An Art Exhibit Explores Polar Transformations

Waning Albedo. Fiber installation by Banks, Beels and Weiss, Voyage of Discovery.
Artwork from the exhibition “Voyage of Discovery” by Jessica Beels, Michele Banks, and Ellyn Weiss at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, January – May, 2014.
Captions and source: ©© Michele Banks


A new AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) exhibition takes gallery visitors on an imaginary journey to a polar region in the throes of climate change.

Voyage of Discovery, which opened at the AAAS Art Gallery on 21 January, follows a line of receding ice into the darkness of the unknown and reveals what lies below.

The journey is not strictly based on scientific fact but showcases an artistic interpretation of the damage caused by climate change…

WATCH: Voyage of Discovery
Artists Michele Banks, Jessica Beels and Ellyn Weiss discuss their new exhibition and the relationship between scientists and artists.

Read Full Article, AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science).

Artist and scientist make a natural pair: united, they are an educational force, By Celie Dailey (Uploaded 02-10-2011).


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