Polar Vortex in U.S. May be Example of Global Warming
Scientists said the deep freeze gripping the U.S. does not indicate a halt or reversal in global warming trends, either. In fact, it may be a counterintuitive example of global warming in action…
Global Lessons for Adapting Coastal Communities to Protect against Storm Surge Inundation
Coastal inundation as a result of global sea-level rise and storm surge events is expected to affect many coastal regions and settlements. Adaptation is widely accepted as necessary for managing inundation risk. However, managing this risk is inherently contentious because of many uncertainties and because a large number of stakeholder interests and values are mobilized…
Sirens Heralded Storm That Changed The Shape Of Chesil Beach
Residents transfixed by huge waves that moved thousands of tonnes of shingles, and permanently destroyed local landmark, and entirely reshaping the beach..