Coastal Erosion Sparks ‘Sand Wars’ In New England

Plum island, coastal erosion. Photo source: ©© Radka Hlisnikovska


It’s the time of year our neighbors who live near the ocean fear the most. It’s the winter when storms pound our coast and steal tons of sand from our beaches. Beyond the long standing concerns of beach erosion, comes the cost communities are paying to replenish its beaches and looking for ways to better protect waterfront homes.

And the bigger problem is that available beach sand is becoming hard to find…

Read Full Article, WGBH News

Sand Wars, An Investigation Documentary, By Denis Delestrac
Is beach sand an infinite resource? Can the existing supply satisfy a gigantic demand fueled by construction booms? What are the consequences of intensive beach sand mining for the environment and the neighboring populations…? This investigation takes us around the globe to unveil a new gold rush and a disturbing fact: the “Sand Wars” have begun.

We Need to Retreat From the Beach, An Op Ed by Orrin H. Pilkey.
As ocean waters warm, the Northeast is likely to face more Sandy-like storms. And as sea levels continue to rise, the surges of these future storms will be higher and even more deadly. We can’t stop these powerful storms. But we can reduce the deaths and damage they cause…


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