Illegal Oil Refinery In The Niger Delta, A Video

Activists from Enviromental Rights Action in Nigeria explore oil damages in the Niger Delta, April 2010. Caption and Photo source: ©© S.U


Every day 40,000 barrels of crude oil are stolen and refined in the Niger Delta. This rare footage shows some of the devastation and danger that the illegal refineries cause…

WATCH: A Guardian UK Video

Read Full Article, Guardian UK

Oil pollution in Niger Delta: Environmental Assessment of Ogoniland Report; Unep (Uploaded 08-04-2011)
A report by the UN Environment Programme, which carried out a 14-month assessment of pollution from over 50 years of oil operations in Ogoniland – Niger Delta region, has found widespread and devastating oil pollution that may require the world’s biggest ever clean-up, that could take 20-30 years. The UNEP also called for the oil industry and the Nigerian government to contribute $1 billion to a clean-up fund for the region to properly address this “tragic legacy.”

Nigeria’s Oil Disasters Are Met By Silence, Guardian UK

Far From The Gulf, a Spill Scourge 5 Decades Old, The New York Times
Perhaps no place on earth has been as battered by oil spills as the Niger Delta, which has endured the equivalent of the Exxon Valdez spill every year for 50 years by some estimates…

Shell Acquitted of Nigeria Pollution Charges, Guardian UK (Uploaded 01-30-2013)
Shell was acquitted in a Dutch court of most of the charges against it for pollution in Nigeria, where disputed oil spills have been a long-running source of contention between the oil company, local people and environmental campaigners…


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