Rising Seas Not the Only Culprit Behind Kiribati’s Woes

Kiribati, Land swamped by rising sea levels. The soil is now too saline to grow crops. Captions and Photo source: © Oxfam Australia


Scientists say dredging, building causeways and natural climate variations are largely responsible for the flooding events that many officials in Kiribati point to as evidence that climate change-induced sea-level rise is shrinking and destroying their tropical Pacific island…

Read Full Article, IPS News

“We Are Fighting For Survival,” Pacific Islands Leader Warns, Guardian UK
Pacific islanders will challenge world leaders this week to act on climate change, warning that their low-lying atolls are close to becoming uninhabitable because of rising seas and increasingly severe floods, droughts and storm surges.

Voices From the South Pacific, Video (uploaded 11-19-2010)
UNDP produced a film about the reality of climate change in the Pacific island of Kiribati. The film clearly shows how people’s lives are being affected right now by rising sea waters…

In Paradise, and Closer Than Ever to Disaster, The New York Times (Uploaded 04-02-2012)


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