Ozone Layer Above North Pole Expected to Recover

Good news for the ozone layer above the Arctic.The Montreal Protocol is showing effects: according to recent measurements, the ozone layer over the North Pole should recover by the end of the century.
Thousands Of Dead Pigs Found Floating In Chinese River

More than 2,800 pig carcasses have been discovered floating in a river that runs through Shanghai and feeds into its tap water supply, according to China’s state media. Pollution has emerged as a source of widespread anger in China.
How Arctic Ice May Have Influenced Superstorm Sandy

The sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean may not seem to be connected to a hurricane like Superstorm Sandy, but a group of scientists is suggesting the record lack of ice last summer could have set up the atmospheric pattern that sent Sandy barreling into the Northeast.
Inside Fukushima’s Abandoned Towns, Two Years On – In Pictures

Amid growing dissatisfaction with the slow pace of recovery, Japan marks the second anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that left nearly 19,000 people dead or missing and has displaced more than 300,000.