Liberia: Illegal Sand Mining Heightened
Despite efforts by the government to put a halt to illegal sand mining which is blamed on sea and other form of erosions across Liberia, others have refused to yield to the orders as sand mining is said to be at a renewed height and reinvigorated pace in the region.
Nitrogen Pollution Soars In China
Nitrogen-containing pollutants from agriculture, transport and industry in China has increased by more than half in 30 years, adding to concerns about the country’s deteriorating environment. China’s environment ministry acknowledged the existence of so-called “cancer villages” after years of public speculation about the impact of pollution in certain areas.
Siberian Permafrost Thaw Warning Sparked By Cave Data
Evidence from Siberian caves suggests that a global temperature rise of 1.5C could see permafrost thaw over a large area of Siberia.