Waikiki Beach Eroding Less Than A Year After $2.2M Sand Restoration

Waikiki beach-renourishement, 2012. Photograph: © SAF


A section of Hawaii’s famed Waikiki Beach is starting to erode, less than a year after the completion of a $2.2 million project to replenish the sand on about 1,730 feet of shoreline that had been suffering from chronic erosion…

Read Full Article, Pacific Business News

Hawaii to Add Sand to Chronically Eroding Waikiki Beach, (Uploaded 1-06-2012)
A $2.3 million state project to widen a chronically eroding section of Waikiki beach with sand pumped in from offshore, will begin by the end of this month. Waikiki naturally has a narrow beach, and people have been adding sand to the shoreline to make it wider. The earliest beach replenishment projects are believed to date to the 1920s. The first well-documented case was in 1939…

Hawaii’s Beaches Are in Retreat, and Its Way of Life May Follow, The New York Times


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