No Control On Illegal Sand Mining, Goa

With the insatiable demand of the growing cities for bricks, sand and gravel, the mining and brick-making activities are not going to diminish any time soon. Captions and Photo source: ©© Mckaysavage


The entire Goan coastline comes within the CRZ and there is a sand mining ban in the state with the state not issuing sand mining license in the past two years.

However, allegations and instances of blatant sand mining abound with authorities preferring to fine truckers transporting sand instead of closing sand extraction operations, confiscating equipment including boats and legalising this very important resource. Real estate is one of the mainstays of the state economy and sand is one of its major components…

Read Full Article, The Navhind Times

Goa’s Beaches Best Kept Secret: Illegal Sand Mining, India
Sand mining is banned in Goa, but even when a NDTV team filmed openly, nobody blinked an eye.The Goa state’s entire 63-mile coastline is eroded, and some beaches have lost as much as 65 feet of landmass in recent years.

Sand Mining in India: Learn More, Coastal Care

Global Sand Mining: Learn More, Coastal Care


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