Suing EPA To Force Cap-And-Trade Scheme For Vehicle Emissions

Photo source: ©© Tashland


a New York-based policy reform group files notice of intent to sue the Environmental Protection Agency to force it to create a market for carbon emissions tied to cars, planes and other mobile sources.

The group noted that while the EPA has pursued a number of measures aimed at curbing planet-warming emissions from stationary sources like power plants, and even introduced tougher fuel efficiency standards for new cars and trucks over the next decade, these moves are not commensurate with the scope of global warming.

Cap-and-trade schemes in general have met stiff resistance in the past, but the notion is being cautiously revisited as the need to address global warming emissions grows more acute…

Read Full Article, The Huffington Post

It Is Time For The Judiciary To Step In And Avert Climate Catastrophe, Guardian UK

Global Climate Change: A Primer, by Orrin H. Pilkey and Keith C. Pilkey, Illustrated with batik art by Mary Edna Fraser

This timely, informative book is exactly what the public needs to understand the ongoing disruption of the earth’s climate. The authors present an excellent summary of what we know, and what we don’t know, about the planet’s climate.

“Perhaps we should focus less on convincing the denialists and more on just defeating them. The noble efforts of books like the Pilkeys’ notwithstanding, I suspect that nothing other than their own Pyrrhic victory could ever convince the denialists of the terrible wisdom of the Cree proverb: “Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.” But by then it will be too late for the rest of us, too.” —Gerry Canavan


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