Sand Mining Mafia Exposed: Govt Turns A Blind Eye, Tamil Nadu, India
A CNN-IBN ground report has exposed how sand is being stolen by politically connected mafia despite a ban on sand mining in Tamil Nadu.
USGS Study Tracks Pacific Walrus, Observes Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Loss on Behavior
Sparse summer sea ice in the Arctic over the past five years has caused behavioral changes in Pacific walruses according to research published by U.S. Geological Survey and Russian scientists.
Sediment Plume along the Coast of Spain
The Guadalquivir River empties into the Golfo de Cádiz along Spain’s southwestern coast. In November 2012, the river delivered a heavy load of sediment to the gulf.
Australia Creates World’s Largest Marine Reserve
Australia Friday created the world’s largest network of marine reserves, protecting a huge swathe of ocean environment.
Gulf Oil Spill Timeline And The Ensuing Legal Cases Against BP
Looking back at a timeline of the massive 2010 Gulf oil spill, government response and ensuing legal cases, from April 20, 2010 to November 15th 2012.