Sandy Reminds Us of Coastal Hazards, by Robert Young

Hurricane Sandy will almost certainly join the pantheon of “costliest storms in history.”The impacts of the storm have been felt as far inland as Toronto, Ontario and coastal erosion and flooding affected beaches from South Carolina to southern Massachusetts. There has been massive damage to significant segments of the New Jersey and New York coastal infrastructure.
Greening Havana

According to international studies, a key action for mitigating the effects of global warming is to increase forest cover in each country. The Cuban government’s National Forestry Programme has set a target of increasing forest cover to over 29 percent by 2015.
Is Sandy a Taste of Things to Come?

We should not be surprised. The melting of Arctic ice, rising sea levels, the warming atmosphere and changes to weather patterns are a potent combination likely to produce storms and tidal surges of unprecedented intensity, according to many experts.
NYT Called Out City’s Flood-Protection Problems in September

With a 520-mile-long coast lined largely by teeming roads and fragile infrastructure, scientists have warned for years that the city is at risk due to rising sea levels. Is Sandy a taste of things to come?