Children’s Eyes On Earth 2012 Photography Contest, In Pictures

Thousands of young photographers worldwide submitted their images to the youth photography contest, which aims to raise awareness of environmental issues. Children aged 17 and under were encouraged to illustrate the themes of ‘I love nature’ and ‘I hate pollution’…
West African Fishing Communities Drive Off Pirate Fishing Trawlers

International vessels operating illegally in protected waters have stayed away after being filmed and identified by local fishers.
Coastal Residents Warned of Excavation Consequences, Australia

Officials are warning residents of coastal communities that excavating the entrances of lakes, lagoons and intermittently opening creeks can have long lasting and severe consequences for fish and fish habitat.
Japan Tsunami Gives Lessons On Disaster Management

Japan and the World Bank held an international meeting on disaster management, and released a joint study aimed at sharing experiences from last year, when a 9.0-magnitude quake and resulting tsunami crushed the coast and triggered the worst nuclear crisis in a generation.