Green Rights Are Humans Rights : The Chagos Islands Case


For too long, despite the close relationship between environmental destruction and human suffering, human rights violations and environmental problems have been regarded as unrelated…Conservationists condemn exile of Chagossians for marine reserve. Greenpeace and other groups say the rights of the islanders, who cannot return to the archipelago, have been violated.

Cannes: Underneath the Surface

As the 65th Cannes Film Festival is unfolding, a european environmental organization, Expedition med, released a series of videos depicting the grave marine pollution affecting the Mediterraneean sea, plastic and marine debris covering the seafloor… this, just a few feet away from the glitter and glamour of the Marches du Festival…

Eco-Art Coastal Reclamation Project

Volunteers planted mangrove seedlings on Virginia Key, getting down and dirty for an ‘eco-art’ project that aims to raise environmental awareness.