Global Partnership for Oceans: to Reverse Patterns of Degradation, UN
A powerful coalition of governments, international organizations, civil society groups and private interests are joining together under the banner of a Global Partnership for Oceans to confront widely documented problems of over-fishing, marine degradation, and habitat loss.
Discovery Sheds New Light on Wandering Continents
Although the basic process that drives plate tectonics —the movement of the Earth’s crustal plates—is understood, many details remain a mystery…
Amount of Coldest Antarctic Water Near Ocean Floor Decreasing for Decades
Oceanographers find that, the coldest deep ocean water, Antarctic Bottom Water, has been disappearing at an average rate of about eight million metric tons per second over the past few decades, equivalent to about fifty times the average flow of the Mississippi River. The world’s deep ocean currents play a critical role in transporting heat and carbon around the planet, thus regulating our climate.