What Created Earth’s Oceans? Comet Offers New Clue

New evidence supports the theory that comets delivered a significant portion of Earth’s oceans, which scientists believe formed about 8 million years after the planet itself.
Slew of Beached whales On Britain’s Shores mystifies scientists

Faced with yet another slumped and slowly expiring cetacean on the Britain’s strands, scientists continue to be mystified by the cause for this unusually high number of unexplained whale mortalities that occured this year. But slowly, some new clues and possible culprits are emerging.
Ancient Cave Paintings in Peril Again, Scientists Say

At least 14,000 years ago, artists took to Altamira cave, in Northern coastal Spain, with charcoal and red pigments, painting bison, deer and their own handprints on the rock walls and ceiling. This prehistoric art gallery is now closed to the public, but plans to reopen it have scientists raising the alarm.