USGS In the Surge Sampling for Nutrients, Sediment, E. coli, and Pesticides

As Hurricane Irene has left her mark along the East Coast, USGS crews are sampling water for pesticides, E. coli, nutrients, and sediment to document water quality in areas affected by the hurricane.
Toxic Algae Still Turns Brittany’s Beaches Green

One year after the French Government launched a National Plan Against Green Algae, toxic seaweed which have accumulated on beaches in Brittany, are still causing great problems along the country’s coastlines. All summer long, there have been constant and costly efforts to remove tons of toxic algae from beaches, but no sooner than the seaweed is removed, more grows.
Hurricane Irene Opens New Inlets on Hatteras Island

Personnel from the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines (PSDS) are actively surveying the North Carolina coast following the passage of Hurricane Irene. Center Director Dr. Rob Young completed a surveillance flight of the northern Outer Banks Sunday morning and filed a first report of storm impacts.
Typhoon Nanmadol

After batterring and flooding Taiwan and the Philippines, Nammadol typhoon is now on its way to the southern part of Fujian province, China where red warnings, the highest level on the Chinese typhoon scale, have been issued.