New York City Hurricanes History

As New York City begins evacuating residents from low-lying area ahead of Hurricane Irene, the storm looks increasingly likely to pass across New Jersey or Long Island on Sunday. Hurricanes are rare this far north, and that rarity makes them even more perilous.
When will we ever learn the lessons of hurricanes?

If Irene follows the current path projections, one thing is certain. Many buildings are soon to be destroyed, dozens of artificial beaches, nourished beaches that cost millions of dollars per mile, will be narrowed and some will disappear altogether, beachfront roads, like segments of Highway 12 on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, are likely to be wiped out, sea walls will be damaged or destroyed along the East Coast, and coastal communities are sure to be flooded… By Orrin H. Pilkey.
2 Million People Ordered To Leave The East Coast As Hurricane Irene takes Aim

Sea levels are higher today than when past major hurricanes have struck the Mid Atlantic and Northeast. With climate change, they’ll rise further, making storm surges more dangerous and costly.more people live along the coasts than ever, and people continue to move there despite the ongoing seasonal risk of tropical storms and hurricanes.
Hurricane Irene Nears Landfall

More than 50 million people are estimated to lie within the path of the hurricane as it is heading toward the major U.S. population centers of Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.
Fukushima’s Unspeakable Reality

Australia’s CBS exposed the “unspeakable” realities of the Japanese catastrophe in its 60 Minutes program, during which leading nuclear scientist Dr. Michio Kaku said radiation from Fukushima will impact all of humanity.
Dirty Laundry: Greenpeace Reports on Toxic Industrial Water Pollution

A report just released by Greenpeace International, after a year-long study research into industrial water pollution, reveals the presence of hazardous chemicals in clothing items bearing the logos of 14 global popular brands, linking many of the same clothing brands to suppliers in China who were found to be releasing daily cocktail of chemicals into the Pearl River and Yangtze River deltas, discharging into the China Sea…