Photo of the Week

( previously Photo of the Month)

Low Tide Rising, Hawaii; By Branden Aroyan

Low Tide Rising

Low Tide Rising

By © Branden Aroyan

“I try and give a realistic impression of a place, person or activity so the viewer has a sense of being there.”

Born in Michigan USA and raised in southern California, Branden Aroyan has traveled extensively around the world. After graduating from Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, photography has carried him to many exotic locations off the beaten path where his appreciation grew for our small planet and it’s inhabitants.

In addition to group and solo art exhibitions, advertising and editorial work for environmentally minded companies and projects who act of their passion for the environment, his organic clothing line Low Tide Rising helps to create a driving force to appreciate and protect the flow and beauty of nature.

“I love the relationship of space in this image. And the story unfolding… an intense hawaiian wave popping up on the reef about to quickly dissolve into a serene playful puddle. The young boy exploring the transition with a dad nearby, confidently observing, allowing a sense of safety to play.”