Leave The Sea Alone!

Anjuna beach, a famed tourist destination in India, near Goa. The sea waves have eroded the sandy portion. Photo source: ©© Joël


Coastal system was one of the most intricate structures of the world, and to understand its dynamics it requires a world bank of knowledge to work together is the general view expressed by the experts on hydrodynamics all over the world.

Dean Planning and Development at the NITK S.G.Mayya who is also an authority on coastal dynamics says the West Coast of India had three National Institutes of Technology namely at Surat (Gujarat), Surathkal (Karnataka) and Calicut (Kerala) and they were in an advantageous position to study the coastal erosion in greater detail and on a day to day basis during the monsoons.

He said in a time when the coastal erosion was being experienced by all maritime countries especially the South East Asia and Indian sub-continent the experts should look more closely at the coastal areas…

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