Nile Delta Desert Islands: An Artist And A Scientist Symbiotic Point of View

Although remote and undeveloped, the Nile Delta desert islands reveal the critical state of the Nile River and its people. The Delta is sinking and the barrier islands are receding. World-renowned coastal geologist Orrin H. Pilkey and artist Mary Edna Fraser, an internationally recognized master of the textile art of batik, bring an understanding of coastal geology and global change to the public in a way that is scientifically astute and visually intriguing.

Gulf of Mexico: a New 100 Mile Oil Sheen Reported

A Coast Guard officer with a command center in Morgan City, LA, said today the Coast Guard has confirmed that the new oil is not coming from the Deepwater Horizon well but that they have found new oil slicks in the Gulf.

Tsunami Washes Away Feathered Victims West of Hawaii

This tsunami is indeed a disaster at many levels, including for wildlife. The death of seabirds at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge are much higher than initially thought after tsunami waves pounded the islands, officials said.