Intersections of Art and Science

The First Animated Beach Drawing Film

WATCH: Youtube video, Uploaded 03-14-2010.
Jamie Wardley, Finn Varney and 15 Yorkshire artists have collaborated to make the first animated beach sand drawing at Filey, North Yorkshire. It is entitled an idea is like a seed, if you feed it then it may grow. It took four hours to make and lived only for the time of the tides.

Excerpt, By Jamie Wardley

“An idea is like a seed” I babbled the night before in front of the team whilst in the pub who had offered to let five of us stay there for the night for free, “If you feed it then it may grow beyond all your imagination.” I had a pint of Black Sheep to aid me in my oratory. “And this is what I mean, this was once just a simple idea and now we are all sat here ready to make a giant sand drawing tomorrow.”

Read Full Article, The Making of The First Animated Beach Drawing Film

Sand In Your Eye: Sand Sculptures and Sand Drawings Gallery
Read, and view, more about Jamie Wardley and the Sand In Your Eye Team.

Sandinyoureye, Sand and Ice Sculptures


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